True Zero Podcast

Unlocking Energy Savings Mastering ESOS Compliance

This episode of the "True Zero Podcast" delves into the UK's Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), a program designed to encourage large organisations to identify energy savings opportunities and implement strategies for reducing energy consumption. Hosted by Rob Gorby, the episode features John Tarbet and Otto Terrell, experts in carbon management and sustainability. 

Overall, the episode serves as a detailed guide for businesses on how to navigate the complexities of ESOS and leverage it for significant energy and cost savings, aligning environmental goals with commercial benefits.

This Podcast Covers

Overview of ESOS

John Tarbet explains ESOS as the UK’s response to an EU directive aimed at improving energy efficiency within large organisations—those with over 250 employees or substantial financial metrics. The scheme assesses overall energy consumption and helps identify potential efficiencies.

Phase Requirements

The discussion includes a review of the ESOS compliance phases and the new requirements in phase three, which introduces mandatory action plans and annual progress reports, adding accountability and encouraging actual implementation of identified energy-saving measures.

Action Plans

Significant emphasis is placed on the requirement for businesses to not only identify saving opportunities but to formulate and submit detailed action plans outlining intended energy-saving measures and their implementation timeline.

Implementation Challenges

The episode touches on the practical difficulties businesses face when transitioning from planning to execution. It discusses common barriers like financial constraints, organisational inertia, and the complexity of integrating new technologies or processes.

Real-World Applications and Advice

Both experts share insights on how businesses can realistically approach the implementation of their ESOS findings. They suggest starting with achievable projects to gain momentum and using the insights gained from ESOS audits to inform broader business strategies.

Importance of Proactive Engagement

The podcast underscores the value of businesses not just complying with ESOS but using the scheme as a springboard for broader organisational change towards sustainability and energy efficiency.

Book a demo

If this content has inspired you to reassess your energy and sustainability strategy, why not book a demonstration of the True platform to see how you could build a competitive path to Net Zero.